An honest reflection of me- in fragments. Imperfect- Grace Covered. Balance. Mom. Wife.
Nurse. Homeschool Teacher. Christ follower first. Second changes. Thankful.

To All Those Who Have Ever Felt Different

Thursday, October 2, 2014

To My Two Darling Children - I love you for who you are
(And to all those in the world who have ever felt different)

There is this common phrase, it's infiltrated our schools, our work places, our political agendas, our churches and even our thought life.  
"We don't want anyone to feel different"

I remember the feeling
It sinks heavy to the pit of your stomach
Size, Skill, Skin color, Beauty, Voice, Comfort in a crowd, 
Presence, Body language, Temperament, Personality, 

I was tall, my legs long and big, my voice carried, my hair was frizzy, but my eyes pretty  
I was poised on the outside but inside insecure, quiet and shy in a crowd, caring but unsure
Myself with only a few
Caught in comparison - different felt like a bad thing

And comparison, It causes us to doubt that different was designed

So at first listen
"We don't want anyone to feel different"
Sounds harmless, good, maybe even a little like equality
And I am for equality
But I am NOT for an equality that drains the color, individuality, and God infused uniqueness from the world

I want to feel different
I want you to feel different

Different is defined as: "separate or distinct, not identical, unusual, not ordinary, differing"

You are distinct - the ONLY you
From your finger prints and skin color to the way you process emotion

You are not not identical
From the curve of your lips to the width of your hips,
From allergies to peanuts, gluten, bees, pollen and cats
To the cow lick in your hair, the way your joints bend or the way you clumsily fall into a room
Embrace the way you were made, and treat your body well

You are unusual
Built uniquely with your own strengths, weaknesses, passions, ingenuity and intelligence
Don't compare and don't conform 
Know your weaknesses, grow your strengths, pursue the passion implanted within you 
Be creative, and be intelligent enough to understand the difference between Truth and knowledge (there is a difference)

You are not ordinary - you are beautiful
Fashioned with the color of the heavens in your eyes, tones of the earth in your hair and the unfading beauty that is the outpouring of your heart
Your heart, not the bleeding beating organ but the emotional guts that drive hands to help, a spirit to pray and a body to rest

You differ
Born to lead or teach or comfort or follow and each, with their own set of responsibilities 
If to lead, lead well
If to teach, teach truth
If to comfort, comfort wholly and freely
If to follow, follow wisely

You are separate 
Created with talents, and skills unlike any other
These are for you to use, not to squander in selfishness or bury in fear 
Use them for the glory of the One who made you
For the relief and refreshment of a world in need
And for the betterment of others

I am different
You are different

What if we stop being afraid of different?
What if we start celebrating it?
Talking about it?
Building a world that didn't judge it or waste time comparing

What if we look into a room of color and uniqueness and felt like a missing piece of the puzzle
Instead of something that didn't fit in? 

What if we decided to feel different?

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Ginger Harrington said...

Celebrating being different with you today at Coffee for Your Heart. I'll enjoy connecting on social media and good luck on your 31 Day challenge!

blestbutstrest said...

Yay for being different and accepting each other the way we are--unique, beautiful and beloved. We need to teach our children this concept so that when the world tells them otherwise, they can shake their head and call the lie for what it is...a lie.

Bethany Boring said...

This post falls right in line with my passion! I just posted with 5 Minute Friday about redefining our identity in Him. I will be checking back in here during your 31 days (I'm doing that challenge to over at "Abba's Shoulders" - 31 Whispers With Abba: From Surviving To Thriving

Anonymous said...

May we all celebrate who we are today and everyday. As a teacher of 3rd graders sometimes "different" starts to separate certain children from the group. I am very aware of this and pray that we may revel in our uniqueness.

JamieLGunn said...

Thank you Ginger! Love the messages on your site.

JamieLGunn said...

Joining with you in raising a generation who can celebrate uniqueness

JamieLGunn said...

Great topic Bethany - thanks for your kind words and I look forward to our 31 day journey

JamieLGunn said...

Bless you and that classroom! Thanks for your kind words

S said...

Jamie, this is wonderful. filled with all sorts of beauty and wisdom! i'm ok with being different too. :) its a hard lesson to learn

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