An honest reflection of me- in fragments. Imperfect- Grace Covered. Balance. Mom. Wife.
Nurse. Homeschool Teacher. Christ follower first. Second changes. Thankful.

Speaking Engagements

Message Topics:

"Living as your created self on purpose takes courage"
The story of the life of Moses and Hebrews 11
*Devotional Material in process

Emotional Parenting
Multiple references (Mark 3)
-How to break free of fear
- How to enjoy being a parent
-Parenting with intention and grace

Free To Face Me (Devotional material completion pending)
2 Corinthians 3:16-18
-How to live real in a world of "okay"
-The story of the Samaritan woman

UnCluttered Christmas
Living with intention focusing on what matters most during this busy season.
Mary and Martha
*Devotional Material Available The Thing of Life the Thing of Christmas 
A Four week devotional
Luke 2:19
-How to have a Jesus centered LIFE and Christmas

The Thing of Life (Devotional material available)
Luke 2:19
-How to have a Jesus centered LIFE with all of life's distractions

Being Transformed 
Romans 12:2
-Are you tired of striving?
- How to create an empty space for God to fill

**Need a topic tailored to fit your specific event theme - contact us about designing a CONNECTON EVENT.  God has placed a passion inside of me to encourage all His people to live authentic lives that glorify Him and draw others to Him.  The gospel is the center. 

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