An honest reflection of me- in fragments. Imperfect- Grace Covered. Balance. Mom. Wife.
Nurse. Homeschool Teacher. Christ follower first. Second changes. Thankful.

Like a ton o' bricks

Friday, August 20, 2010

My heart just kept aching
My head wheeling
My hands busy with daily tasks

Tuesday, rest time for the kids=devotion time for me
I'm still not sure where I started,
But it hit me
And verse after verse, they all seemed to mesh together,
Woven purposefully by someone greater, for something greater
3 pages of my MOPS personalized journal later,
(Although filled with just as many more questions than answers)
There was a clear vision for what these hurting girls needed - God; His Love and His Rest
A name for a House and a Mission statement for the needy souls God loves so deeply
Tears welt up in my eyes
I felt inadequate, and
Like the calling was too big, because it is (it's God-sized)
And a little afraid that Jacob would think I was crazy, he didn't
Instead he said "if anyone can do it you can...where do we start"
To which I started crying again
He took my vision, encouraged it, and made it his own!

And so here I sit; on the verge of something greater than myself
Filled with joy, a lot of questions, a little anxiety and  saturated with  hope- that God can use me to make a difference.

Please pray with me and for me as I start this journey.
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A. Reed said...

Praying with you, Girl. Isaiah 42:9 comes to mind. :)

Anonymouse said...

I want to hear more about this.

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