An honest reflection of me- in fragments. Imperfect- Grace Covered. Balance. Mom. Wife.
Nurse. Homeschool Teacher. Christ follower first. Second changes. Thankful.

Risk Analysis

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Imagine a place...

Where the purest of light shines
Light that glows with life
Radiating rainbows from prism walls
It fills you with warmth and you feel alive
Each step effortless
Without stiffness, pain or concern for time

The people around you are genuine and familiar
You can't remember their back story
Except it doesn't matter
Because you know them
Know their heart
And you're together

Not a single face is missing
And each face,
Void of worry,
Filled with peace and joy
Shines the warmth of life into your very being

Each body is whole,
There are no birth defects, syndromes, or disabilities
And every face is beautiful mirroring the heart
And its creator
Lacking vanity or comparison

The only things missing
Pain, Injustice, Longing, Worry, Hurt, Betrayal, Despair, Defects, Hate, Sadness, Tears and Death
Things you longed to be erased from this fog of life as we know it
Replaced by
Love - an unexplainable, wholly filling love
Service, Peace, Justice, Assurance, Trust, Purity, Joy, Goodness, Worship, Gentleness, Perfection

A place where someone waits
Someone who loves you
Who made a way to this place for you

If such a place existed
And I knew the way
Would you listen?
Would you walk it?

I know it's a risk, but it's one worth taking.
And I will risk it
Risk it all, not for the reward,
But for the one who loved me first.
For the one who's waiting.

Will you?

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