An honest reflection of me- in fragments. Imperfect- Grace Covered. Balance. Mom. Wife.
Nurse. Homeschool Teacher. Christ follower first. Second changes. Thankful.

Suicide, Lies and Release

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Words penetrate deep and expectations pull like heavy weights
Until the measure of life is lost in distorted views of good enough
But she fears the disappointment more than the loss of her own life
And instead of speaking her pain
She swallows it 
Swallows the pain chased with pills
Whatever bottle or bottles, she can find
Because in that moment 
Her life is void
The high expectations, un-attained, have un-done her
Pulled her into the lie
That her value is found in goals met, boxes checked and reaching standards she didn't set
The sting of words burns so deep
That from the inside out she radiates the lying heat of words breathed
And she believes that she won't ever measure up
She believes that this world IS too much
That she's not good enough 
And that she's not worth it
Not worth the effort to love
Nor the space that her body fills
Not worth the air that stretches her lungs
Nor forgiving or hearing or trying 
And she believes the lie that she's alone
That even if she screamed her hurt
Let the tears pool 
No one would listen
No one would care
And so she swallows
Swallows the lies
And worn to empty, she concludes
That physical death is better 
Better than living under pressure 
Better than failing
And so she swallows

Because words hurt
And pills are accessible
But it's not the pills or the words that burn into soul
She feels alone because over and over she's swallowed the the lies that at sometime began to control
It's the same since the beginning
And the devil keeps smearing it
Because he, IS a liar, and he is good at it
He talks of God and leaves you questioning
Then he elevates you
And you begin to think,
Maybe - just maybe, you can take the place of HIM
     he makes the selfish seem normal and the self-less harmful
     he makes opinions matter more than the love of your Heavenly Father
     he spits lies but they come out looking like magazine covers, and best selling albums
     he deceives with his tongue and torments with his power

I know because I lived it once
Believed it once
Was afraid to be found out once
But that devil snake, his power ends when the name of Jesus is spoken
Who radiates God's glory
Is the exact imprint of God's nature
And who holds up the universe with spoken word
Who left the glory and perfection of heaven
Putting on human skin
To walk among us, understand us, experience us,
Know us
Know our hurts and burdens and struggles and normalcy
Who walked in humility, and grace and mercy
Who traded his perfection
For sin's punishment
Dying; human skin ripped from flesh, lungs stinging with the need for air, blood spilled down a cross
I was meant to bear
Who pursues our hearts
And knows them
Who breathes truth into the doubting mind
And pours living water into the thirsty soul
Who shines light through the haze
And illuminates the way
Who came to redeem
And calls your his brother
Who knows your name
And calls you his sister
Who came to disprove every lie
And smash the head of the serpent
Who didn't stay in the grave
Giving hope for the future

So I whisper a prayer, over all the dark and delusions
And ask that my tongue be an instrument used to encourage
I live openly a failure
Redeemed for a purpose
Messy and imperfect
But covered in grace
Trusting his perfection
And power
When I call on His name

Linking up today with Meredith Bernard and tweeting #woman2woman
And the wonderful Holley Gerth at Coffee For Your Heart

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Anonymous said...

Wow.... this is such a beautiful soulful prayers. These days it seems depression and suicide are rampant. And at times I feel helpless-- do we miss the signs in our daily lives? How can I help more? This is something that always stays with me possibly because I get so much suicide prevention training in the Army and lways worry about my Soldiers and who is watching for them. Thank you for these words.

Meredith Bernard said...

Oh my, Jamie, such soulful words. I’m so glad you found truth before the lies took you. This prayer is also my prayer…"So I whisper a prayer, over all the dark and delusions
And ask that my tongue be an instrument used to encourage
I live openly a failure
Redeemed for a purpose
Messy and imperfect
But covered in grace
Trusting his perfection
And power
When I call on His name” AMEN. AMEN. AMEN. xoxo, mb

JamieLGunn said...

As a nurse in the ICU we see too too many attempts and each one breaks my heart. Praying with you and for your soldiers.

JamieLGunn said...

Meredith - glad to share this prayer with you sister, friend!

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