An honest reflection of me- in fragments. Imperfect- Grace Covered. Balance. Mom. Wife.
Nurse. Homeschool Teacher. Christ follower first. Second changes. Thankful.

BAZINGA (Guest post)

Friday, May 7, 2010

On Jacob's arrival home the kids jumped from my lap, books spilled onto the floor, as their excitement for dad left me chilly and yet more relaxed. I kissed Jacob hello, wrapped the blanket snugly around me and I sank deeper into the couch cushions with heavy eyes.

The guest post to follow is an email account of the events between Jacob and Ethan after my heavy eyes closed for a nap prior to work.

So I get home tonight, still wearing my CT Sci-O dominance "Bazinga" t-shirt.
Actual dialogue to follow.
Ethan: Hey dad.
Me: Hey buddy.
Ethan: Cool shirt!
Me: Thanks. Do you like it?
Ethan: Oh yeah! What does that say?
Me: It says, BAZINGA.
Ethan: BAZINGA!!??? (followed by bellows of laughter)
Me: That's kind of a silly word, huh.
Ethan: (still rolling with laughter) Hey dad! Knock knock.
Me: Who's there?
Ethan: BAZINGA!!! (Followed by laughter to the point of crying on my part)
(Ethan fell over and rolled on the floor still saying bazinga between breaths)

End Guest Post, thank you Jacob.
If you don't know what Bazinga is you should watch The Big Bang Theory sometime (airing Tuesday nights on one of the major networks - I'm not sure which one - we DVR it, and Jacob's in charge). While I don't agree with the scientific-theory of "The Big Bang" this TV show and it's over-emphasis on the quirks of it's scientist-characters makes me laugh out loud most episodes.
Knock Knock
Who's There?
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